

Korean Special Trade Team

Mark your Calendar for Thursday, April 21, 2016 The Special Trade Mission from Korea will be in Bakerfield, California on April 21 (THURSDAY). Please click below to view the itinerary. 2016 COTTON USA Special Trade Mission Itinerary 2016 COTTON USA Special Trade Mission Participant List

Board of Directors

2016/2018 Board of Directors Tim North, President Craig Stevens, Vice President Kevin McDermott, Immediate Past President Richard Clarke, Director Stephen Harmer, Director Ryota Karube, Director Brad Reinhart, Director Andrew Smith, Director Jennifer Wakimoto Tanji, Director

Section III – Rules Governing Arbitrations

SECTION III RULES GOVERNING ARBITRATIONS RULE 1 ARBITRATIONS: Should disagreement arise in matters of grade, quality, weights or fulfillment of contracts, and no satisfactory settlement be arrived at, then the matter in dispute shall be referred to the Arbitration Committee of this Association for adjustment. The following time limits for referring disagreements between contracting parties [...]

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